Once you start building momentum, you can begin to incorporate advertising into your agenda. There are several levels of advertising you can purchase and they are done on a per-day basis. Use it to get the word out and improve your foot traffic for the day. Make sure to choose wisely on how to boost traffic and stay within a budget or the amount of extra traffic you receive won't cover the cost of the ad campaign. Here is an overview of your advertising options:
Campaign | Price (Per Day) | Effect (Traffic Boost %) |
Flyers Handout flyers on the boardwalk promoting the stand. | $10.00 | 25% |
Newspaper Ad Place a small ad in the local newspaper. | $25.00 | 35% |
Radio Spot Produce a 25 second radio spot to be broadcast on Citrus Bay radio station KLMN 101.5FM | $40.00 | 45% |
TV Commercial Create a 25 second TV commercial that will play during the day on the local TV station. | $85.00 | 60% |
Skywriting Hire a skywriting service to draw a promotional message in the sky above the beach and boardwalk. Note: This campaign will not run if the weather turns out to be bad. Your fee will be refunded in this case. | $150.00 | 85% |